Below is a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions:
Don't see your question? Email us and we'll be happy to help you!
What is the difference between interstate and intrastate?
Interstate is when cargo or passengers are transported across state lines. Intrastate is in cargo or passengers stay within a single state.
What are the differences between a broker/common/contract/freight forwarder?
A broker is a person or company that arranges for the transportation of goods and requires a $10,000 bond. A common carrier is a company that transports property or passengers for the common public and requires cargo insurance. A contract carrier is a carrier that transports property on a contract basis with shippers and does not require cargo insurance. A freight forwarder is a company that purchases freight and then arranges for the transportation of that freight.
What is a BOC-3?
A BOC-3 is a form that designates an agent for process in the event legal papers are ever served. It is required for carriers, brokers, and freight forwarders prior to receiving their authority. You will need to keep a copy of the BOC-3 form in your office files.
What is a process agent?
A process agent is a representative upon whom court papers may be served in any proceeding brought against a motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder.
What is UCR?
The UCR Agreement is established by federal law in the UCR Act, which is part of the federal highway reauthorization bill known as the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, A Legacy for Users ("SAFETEA-LU"), Public Law 109-59, enacted August 10, 2005. The registration for UCR began in September of 2007 and is required of all motor carriers, private motor carriers, brokers, freight forwarders, and leasing companies that will conduct any interstate operations. Most states will impose fines or withhold renewals and new account applications for those that are not current with their UCR.
What states require additional permits?
Some states require additional permits based on your GVW. These states are Kentucky, New Mexico, New York, and Oregon.
When will I be able to use my authority?
The FMCSA has a mandatory protest period that can last up to 20 days. Assuming your insurance has completed the required filings, your authority will be granted in about 20 days from the date it was issued. You are not able to use your authority until you receive the certificate either by mail or by using our expedited service.
What do I need to do for my insurance?
You will need to provide your insurance with your MC number. Your insurance will then need to file the appropriate insurance forms with the FMCSA. The required forms will differ for different types of authorities. They are BMC-91 or BMC-91x for liability, BMC-34 for cargo, BMC-84 for a surety bond, and BMC-85 for a trust fund bond.
Is there a temporary authority?
No, there is not a temporary authority available. You must wait for your MC/FF application to be granted active before you operate.
When will I get my permits?
BOC-3 is filed the same day (during business hours) or the next business day if after hours. You will receive your copy by email the same business day.

Electronic Certificate of Authority is received by email the day the FMCSA grants your authority active, by 5:00PM CST.

DOT Number is issued the same business day your signed application is received, if before 12:00PM CST; or the next business day if the signed application is received after 12:00PM CST.

DOT Update is completed within 2 business days when the correct PIN is provided. Paper updates are processed according to the FMCSA's current time frame, typically up to 30 days.

Name Change is completed according to the FMCSA's current time frame, typically up to 30 days.

Un-dismissal of Authority is processed according to the FMCSA's current time frame, typically up to 30 days.

Reinstatement of Authority is processed within 2 business days when the correct PIN is provided and both insurance and BOC-3 are filed. Paper reinstatements are processed according to the FMCSA's current time frame, typically up to 30 days.

Unified Carrier Registration is filed within 2 business days of all required insurance being filed with the FMCSA for carriers and within 2 business days of going active for brokers and freight forwarders.

KYU is issued within 2 business days of your order or the MC going active. An additional 2 business days apply when UCR is filed.

KYU Supplement is completed within 2 business days of your order.

New York HUT is completed within 2 business days of your MC going active and/or receiving all required information.

New Mexico WDT Permits, Renewals, and Supplements are completed within 2 business days of your order and receipt of all required information.

Oregon Weight Mileage Tax Permit, Supplement, and Renewals are submitted to the state for processing within 2 business days of receiving all required information. Applications are then processed according to the state's current time frame.

IRP New Account, Renewal, and Supplemental Applications are submitted to the state within 2 business days of receiving all required information. Applications are then processed according to the state's current time frame.

IFTA New Account, Renewal, and Supplemental Applications are submitted to the state within 2 business days of receiving all required information. Applications are then processed according to the state's current time frame. Please note: some states require that the IRP account be set up first before processing of the IFTA application.

Fuel Tax Reporting (pre-paid and pay-as-you-go) is processed in the order of received. Clients submitting all required information to our office by the 12th of April, July, October, and January will have their returns prepared on time.

DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Package is received within 1 business day of your order and receipt of all required information.

DOT Pre-Employment Test is received within 1 business day of your order and receipt of all required information.

IRS Form 2290 is filed at our local IRS agency the last week of each month. We must have all required information for your filing to be included.

FEIN is obtained within 1 business day of receiving all required information.

SCAC is obtain within 1 business day of your order.
Who needs pre-employment testing?
All applicable drivers must have their testing completed prior to operating. Applicable drivers are any of the following: Any driver who will drive a vehicle that has a GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating) that is over 26,000 pounds, or a passenger vehicle that is designed to hold 16 or more passengers (driver included), or drives a vehicle that is hauling hazardous materials that requires placarding.
Who should be in a consortium pool?
Applicable drivers are any of the following: Any driver who will drive a vehicle that has a GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating) that is over 26,000 pounds, or a passenger vehicle that is designed to hold 16 or more passengers (driver included), or drives a vehicle that is hauling hazardous materials that requires placarding. If your company only has one driver, you are required to hire an outside consortium.
Where can pre-employment or random testing be done?
Lobdock Impairment Detection has a nation-wide network of over 5000 testing locations. A testing location is typically nearby.
What is the process for DOT required random testing?
Lobdock Impairment Detection will notify the selected driver of his or her selection for random DOT testing via letter with a copy of their chain for the test and selected collection sites. They will follow up by email and phone to make sure you are notified. If someone fails to respond to this correspondence, they can be removed from the consortium for non-compliance. Once a driver is notified they should immediately proceed to the collection facility with the forms to have testing completed.
I have a test or belong to a consortium for another company where I drive part-time. Can I just use that?
No. Your test and consortium needs to be for the specific company.
How do I determine my combined GVWR?
Your equipment will have a panel that lists the max weight it is rated to haul. Combine all equipment (truck and trailer) rating weights and that is your combined GVWR.
What is the difference between GVW and GVWR?
GVWR is the weight that your unit is rated to haul. The GVW is the max weight that you will haul/that you wish to register.
I only use my truck to transport my tools, my own products or equipment in my home state. I'm not a trucking company. What do I need?
If you are transporting your own property for the purpose of furthering or supporting a business then you are operating a commercial vehicle. Any commercial vehicle with a GVWR exceeding 10,000 pounds needs to obtain a US DOT number. Your state may also require additional intrastate authority.
Will I need to have a separate DOT number for each truck?
No. A business can only have one US DOT number.
How do I change my name, address, phone number?
To change your name, phone number, and/or address under your MC number you will need to submit a request to the FMCSA. A separate update will be required under your US DOT number. Our company offers these updates for a hassle free experience. Be sure to contact your applicable state departments as well to update your credentials (Secretary of State filing, IRP, IFTA, KYU, etc...).
How do I transfer my US DOT number?
You cannot transfer a US DOT number.
How can I find the status of my MC or US DOT number?
To check the status of your MC number go to, enter your MC number, and select HTML. To check your DOT number go to and enter your US DOT number.
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PO Box 5627
Norman, OK 73070
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